Auf Grund der Einschränkungen durch Covid 19 finden seit März 2020 keine Break Though Performances statt.

Sämtliche internationalen, geladenen KünstlerInnen konnten nicht nach Deutschland reisen. Da es im Jahr 2019 einen Schwerpunkt mit ortsansässigen KünstlerInnen gab, wollten wir 2020 wieder international sein.

Wir hoffen auf ein gutes, abwechslungsreiches und internationales Jahr 2021!

Break through #29


sound of it


by Maria Berauer


7th of Februar 2020 at 7 pm



I`m looking out of the window. It is dark. I see people watching me.

Break through #28


time to balance


by MarinA

from Munich and Italy


1 day befor the 11 of November at 16:61 o'clock




outside, inside, one side, both sides


Break through #27





by Graciela Ovejero Postigo

from Argentina



2nd of August 2019 at 7 pm



a certain unstable evocative narrative mesh

takes place and takes off,

amongst all of us present

Break through #26




by Doris Steinbichler

from Mexico/Austria


14th of July 2019

at 3 pm and 7 pm


we are sound and light emitting beings

Break through #25



red box


by Janina Totzauer


from Munich


11 of June at 7 pm 2019


I wondered why humankind hold onto life

as if the universe depended on it

Break through #24


make it through


by Doro Seror from Munich


21 of July at 8 pm


refilling old wounds with colorful tenderness

Break through #23




Have a look


by Beate Linne


11 of June 2018 at 7 pm



There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.

                                                                                                        Albert Einstein

Break through #22


Do the Laundry


by Helinä Hukkataival

from Finland


2nd of June 2018 at 4 pm


Experience of reality

depends upon your perception.

Break through #21


Al Borde


by Claudia Urrutia


from Chile


11 of April 2018 at 7 pm


Atravesar nuestra memoria y convertir

el muro en un umbral de cambio.

Break through #20


Janela Manifesto


by Thais Medeiros

from Brasil


11th of March 2018 at 7 pm


Every month it is dripping ink into my word
she bleeds ... Give her roses

Break through #19



by crazinisTartisT (Va-Bene E. Fiatsi)

from Ghana


11th of November 2017 at 7 pm


The will to survive is

to reinvent your own birth



Break through #18


Survivale and Existence in ft2

by Dimple B Shah

from India


11th of October 2017 at 7 pm


Life quintessence is to find balance

between survival and existence

Break through #17



"to the ground"


by Ksenia Telepova


from Russia


11th of June at 7 pm



Don't be afraid of me
being afraid of you

Break through #16


J'ai fermè mon compte Instagram


by Hugo Bonamin  and  Orlane

from Switzerland


11th of februar at 7 pm



Toi et moi, les deux, il seront toujours deux

Break through #15


The sound of a hand


by Raquel Ro

from Spain and Munich


15th of October 2016 at 9 pm


The "Floor" displaced in the verticality, a place for the relation. How long is it possible to stay in this situation?



Break through #14


Action for window and light


by Olga Kozmanidze

from Russia


11th of September 2016 at 9pm


Is there a temple for sacred fire when there is neither temple nor heart?

Variation on Vesta's cult.



Break through #13




by Marita Bullmann

from Essen and Munich


14th of July  2016 at 7:30 pm



The breath I've taken if it were not for rain

Break through #12


Each crack inspires for changes


by Yarna Shumska

from Ukraine


26th of May 2016 at 8 pm


Gaps are to be filled and

walls to be devided

Break through #11


A Room with a View of the Grave

by SU-EN

from Sweden


11th of May 2016 at 8 pm


Civilization will collapse
Nature lives on
Time will laugh

Break Through #10





by Marta Bosowska


from Poland



22nd of March 2016 at 7 pm





A small split can stop all system

Break Through #9



wenn du mir mir gesprochen hättest, mutter

Ein Monolog von Ruth Müller


from Munich

16th January 2016 at 7 pm





About my life as a thalidomide victim.

Break Through #8


A Doctrine from behind

by Guida Miranda


from Portugal and Munich

20th November 2015 at 8 pm


Balancing the burden of life and fortune


Break Through #7





by Natacha Rimer


From Israel and France

11th September 2015 at 8 pm


Performance during the ZONA LIBRE Party


Exceeding real limits through summoning


Break Through #6




by Akeelah Betram

from UK and Jamaica


with Martina Marini Misterioso from Munich


30th June 2015 at 10 pm



Mysterious creature growing in the shine of a flashlight


Break Through #5




by Snöwit Snow Hedestierna


from Sweden and Canada


18th April 2015 at 7 pm



Ritual of transcending from space to earth

Break Through #4





by Yiy Zhang and Onion Yang


from China and Munich


14th February 2015 at 8 pm


Melting the wall between lovers

Break Through #3



Controlled flow


by Sara Bobadilla and Eduardo Palomares


from Spain


13th December 2014 at 4 pm



Doubling the space outside the space


Break Through #2



Main Transitions


by Martina Marini Misterioso 


from Italy and Munich


18th Oktober 2014 at 9 pm



Transforming the previous life into a new stage



Break Through #1


by Doro Seror from Munich

September 2014

As a part of the 1rst LABORKITCHEN

at the Creativ Quarter Munich.


Break Through Space is the world's smallest performance space,

a 1/2m3 window performance space.
Break Through is a series of performances, which takes place once a month with different international artists. The first performance was originally performed by Dorothea Seror by breaking a hole into the 75 cm wide rear wall of her studio.